Donating To Support Auckland Arts Festival

Donating to Support Auckland Arts Festival

cancelled shows imageCancelling the shows in Auckland Arts Festival 2020 has been a major blow for the Festival, the artists and the team who work to make the Festival happen.

By donating part or all of the value of your ticket(s) to cancelled shows, you will be helping support the Festival, its artists and those who work in the arts.

Please download the form here and email to [email protected] 

The cancelled shows were
@Peace and the Plutonian Noise Symphony
Beethoven 250 Concerts
Biladurang  remainder of season from Thursday 19 March
Black Grace – Verses
Black Lover  remainder of season from Thursday 19 March

Circolombia – Acéléré
Culture Vulture

Dimanche   remainder of season from Thursday 19 March
Estère: Into The Belly of Capricorn

Limbo Unhinged   remainder of season from Thursday 19 March
Ngā Manu Rōreka

Soweto Gospel Choir
The Curry House Kid + Dark Magic

Watt by Samuel Beckett
Wolfgang's Magical Musical Circus
along with workshops, much of the Visual Arts programme, and associated events.