Due to the impact of COVID_19 situation, Vunilagi Vou, and therefore the exhibition Safe As Houses, has closed for the foreseeable future

Safe as Houses is a site-specific group exhibition curated for and about Ōtahuhu, South Auckland.
Artists include local photographer Craig Horne, West Auckland-based painter Ana Lakusa, and Dunedin-based former politician turned textile installation artist Metiria Turei. The exhibition unpacks ideas related to historical architecture and landmarks, the whare tangata and body as home, and gentrification as represented in collective culture and identity.
Vunilagi Vou is a South Auckland-based gallery that centralises contemporary Pacific art and South Auckland audiences.
Safe As Houses continues until Saturday 4 April
Craig Horne (NZ)
Ana Lakusa (NZ/Tonga)
Metiria Turei (NZ)
Image Craig Horne
Safe as Houses has been produced with support from Mangere-Ōtahuhu Local Board