Due to COVID-19 issues this event has been cancelled
Come and experience a touch tour and artist talk
Pushing at the boundaries of contemporary Māori art, sound artist Maree Sheehan explores a new form of portraiture in this immersive installation.
Touch Tour
Touch Tour & Artist Talk Thu 19 Mar 5.30pm
Duration 40 mins
FREE, but please register
Using only sonic elements as her palette, each portrait captures the wairua and mauri of three mana wāhine Māori – Moana Maniapoto, Te Rita Papesch and Ramon Te Wake.
This immersive installation is a world first. Elevating your aural senses, you are invited to put on a pair of headphones and be submerged into an ethereal plane where kōrero, waiata, the marae, whanau, and whenua converge to create a captivating 360° experience.
Book online using the Google booking form HERE
Download and complete the booking form HERE
EMAIL the completed form to [email protected]
if you would like assistance to book, transport advice or to request a companionCredits
Artist Maree Sheehan