Due to the impacts of COVID-19 all Beethoven 250 concerts have been cancelled. Concerts from the APO back catalogue will be livestreamed in place of each of these four concerts.

The Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra joins the worldwide celebrations marking Beethoven's 250th birthday in 2020 with a series of concerts and events.
Beethoven 250 will be a fantastic festival within the Festival. The centrepiece will be the APO performing the complete cycle of nine Beethoven symphonies in four concerts over nine days, led by APO Music Director Maestro Giordano Bellincampi, culminating in a very special performance of the Ninth Symphony featuring New Zealand soloists Madeleine Pierard, Kristin Darragh, Amitai Pati and Teddy Tahu Rhodes.
In addition to the symphony cycle there will be a variety of exciting free and community events celebrating Beethoven’s legacy and connecting him to our city and our people. This includes Ludwig Reflected – a free chamber concert and speaker series featuring new Beethoven-inspired works by New Zealand composers and the chance to delve deeper into the fascinating life and times of Beethoven, a series of access and inclusion initiatives, and a community Big Play-In for musicians of all skill levels.
Click here for further details of the concerts.
School tickets
Suits Year 7–13 Music students
Dates Saturday 21 March (Symphony No. 1, 2 & 3), Tuesday 24 March (Symphony No. 4 & 5), Thursday 26 March (Symphony No. 6 & 7), Sunday 29 March (Symphony No. 8 & 9)
Tickets Special prices for school groups available.
Venue Great Hall, Auckland Town Hall
To book and for further information email [email protected]
Nine Symphonies across Four Concerts
Concert 1: The Classicist Symphony No.1, 2 & 3
Concert 2: The Romantic Symphony No.4 & 5
Concert 3: The Revolutionary Symphony No.6 & 7
Concert 4: The Radical Symphony No.8 & 9
Ludwig Reflected – Free Chamber Concert and Speaker Series
Featuring new commissions by four New Zealand composers: Gillian Whitehead, Chris Gendall, Alex Taylor and Celeste Oram, performed by APO Young Achievers.
Auckland Town Hall Concert Chamber
Monday 23, Wednesday 25 & Friday 27 March 6.00pm
Beethoven's Big Birthday Bash
Musicians of all ages and skill levels can join Ludwig’s birthday celebrations at this community play-in. Community and student musicians will work together with their APO counterparts to create a mass community orchestra and choir performing selected extracts from the Ninth Symphony, led by Giordano Bellincampi. Music will be specially arranged by APO Communities Composer Ryan Youens so that everyone can join in.
Great Hall, Auckland Town Hall
Sunday 15 March 2.30pm
Conductor Giordano Bellincampi
Symphony No.9
Soprano Madeleine Pierard
Mezzo Soprano Kristin Darragh
Tenor Amitai Pati
Baritone Teddy Tahu Rhodes
with an ensemble of singers from the three national choirs
Voices New Zealand Chamber Choir
New Zealand Youth Choir
New Zealand Secondary Students' Choir
Presented by
in Association with